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1. J.M. Zavada, H.A. Jenkinson, T.J. Gavanis, R.G. Hunsperger, M.A. Mentzer,

D.C. Larson, and J. Comas, “Substrate Temperature Effects In Proton Implanted

GaAs Infrared (10.6 Micron) Waveguides,” Proc. SPIE 239, 24th International
Technical Symposium, San Diego, CA, 157, July 1980.
2. M.A. Mentzer, R.G. Hunsperger, H.A. Jenkinson, J.M. Zavada, and T.J. Gavanis,
“Visible and Infrared Waveguiding in GaP,” Proc. IEEE/OSA Third Int. Conf. on
Integrated Optics and Optical Fiber communications (IOCC ’81), San Francisco,
CA, April 27-29, 1981.
3. M.A. Mentzer, R.G. Hunsberger, J.M. Zavada, H.A. Jenkinson, and T.J. Gavanis,
“Visible and Infrared Waveguiding In Proton Implanted n-type GaP,” Proc. SPIE
317, Conf. on Integrated Optics and Millimeter and Microwave Integrated
Circuits, Huntsville, AL, 108, November 16-19, 1981.
4. D. Mergerian, E.C. Malarkey, R.P. Pautienus, JK.C. Bradley, M. Mill, C.W.
Baugh, A.L. Kellner, and M.A. Mentzer, “Advanced Integrated Optic rf Spectrum
Analyzer,” Proc. SPIE 321, Conf. on Integrated Optics II, Los Angeles, CA, 149,
January 28-29, 1982.
5. C.W. Baugh, J. Cullom, E.A. Hubbard, M.A. Mentzer, and R. Fedorak,
“Fabrication and Characterization of a Crosstie Random Access Memory,” IEEE
Trans. Magnetics, 3IM3 Conference, Montreal, Quebec, July 1982.
6. M.A. Mentzer, C.W. Baugh, E.A. Hubbard, R. Fedorak, and L.J. Schwee,
“Magnetic Crosstie Random Access Memory,” Proc. Government Microcircuit
Applications Conference (GOMAC ’82), Orlando, FL, November 2-4, 1982.
7. M.A. Mentzer, R.G. Hunsberger, J.M. Zavada, H.A. Jenkinson, and T.J. Gavanis,
“Characterization and In-Process Optimization of Infrared Ion Implanted GaP
Optics,” Proc. OSA Workshop on Optical Fabrication and Testing (OF&T) ’82),
Palo Alto, CA, December 13-15, 1982.
8. J.M. Zavada, H.A. Jenkinson, T.J. Gavanis, R.G. Hunsperger, and M.A. Mentzer,
“Characteristics of Optical Waveguides Formed by Ion Implantation,” U.S. Army
Armament Research and Development Command, Fire Control and Small Caliber
Weapon Systems Laboratory, Dover, NJ, Technical Report ARSCD-TR-82023,
January, 1983.
9. M.A. Mentzer, M.S. Wlodowski, R.G. Hunsperger, J.M. Zavada, H.A. Jenkinson,
and T.J. Gavanis, “ Characterization and Optimization of Proton Implanted
Optical (1.15 um) GaAs Waveguides,” Proc. SPIE 408, Conf. on Integrated
Optics III, Arlington, VA, 38, April 5-6, 1983.
10. M.A. Mentzer, R.G. Hunsperger, J.M. Zavada, H.A. Jenkinson, and T. J.
Gavanis, “Temperature Processing Effects in Proton Implanted n-type GaAs,”
Appl. Phys. A32, 19-25 (1983).
11. M.A. Mentzer, R.G. Hunsperger, S. Sriram, J. Bartko, J.M. Zavada, and H.A.
Jenkinson, “Guided Wave Device Design and Fabrication for Monolithic
Integration in GaAs,” Proc. SPIE 460, Conf. on Processing of Guided Wave
Optoelectronic Materials, Los Angeles, CA, 65, January 24-25, 1984.
12. M.A. Mentzer and G.E. Marx, “Lithium Niobate and Gallium Arsenide Integrated
Optical Devices for Optical Switching,” U.S. Army Research Office Sponsored
Workshop on Optical Switching Technology, Los Angeles, CA, March 1984.
13. M.A. Mentzer, R.G. Hunsberger, J. Bartko, J.M. Zavada, and H.A. Jenkinson,
“Infrared Ion Implanted GaAs Optics,” Proc. OSA Workshop on Optical
Fabrication and Testing (OF&T ’84) Monterey, CA, April 18-20, 1984.
14. M.A. Mentzer, J. Bartko, R. G. Hunsperger, J.M. Zavada, and H.A. Jenkinson,
“Ion Implantation Fabrication of GaAs Integrated Optical Components,” Proc. 5th
International Conference on Ion Implantaton Equipment and Techniques,
Jeffersonville, VT, July 23-27, 1984.
15. M.A. Mentzer, R.G. Hunsperger, J. Bartko, J.M. Zavada, and H.A. Jenkinson,
“Ion Implanted GaAs Integrated Optics Fabrication Technology,” Proc. SPIE 517,
First International Conference on Integrated Optical Circuit Engineering,
Cambridge, MA October 23-25, 1984.
16. C.W. Baugh, E.A. Hubbard, J.F. Jackson, D. Lampe, and M.A. Mentzer, “Signal
Processing and Architecture for the Crosstie Random Access Memory,” Proc.
Government Microcircuit Applications Conference (GOMAC ’84), Las Vegas,
NV, November 6-8, 1984.
17. M.A. Mentzer, R.G. Hunsperger, S. Sriram, J. Bartko, M.S. Wlodowski, J.M.
Zavada, and H.A. Jenkinson, “Ion Implanted Optical Waveguides in Gallium
Arsenide,” Optical Engineering, 24(2), 225-229, March/April 1985.
18. L.D. Hutcheson and M.A. Mentzer, “Design Criteria for AlGaAs/GaAs Integrated
Optoelctronic Devices,” Proc. SPIE 704, Integrated Optical Circuit Engineering
IV, Cambridge, MA, September 16-17, 1986.
19. G.C. Vezzoli, W. Cadwallender, M.A. Mentzer, L.R. Megargel, D.E. Craley,
“Optical Oscillation Established Using Acousto-Optic Bragg Angle Diffraction in
Conjunction With Closed Cavity Feedback,” Proc. SPIE 704, Integrated optical
Circuit Engineering IV, Cambridge, MA, September 16-17, 1986.
20. J. Sun, C.S. Ih, M.A. Mentzer, A. Grot, and B. Wang, “Fiber Optic Gyroscope
Using a SWAOM,” Proc. 1986 Annual OSA Meeting, Seattle, WA, October
21. M.A. Mentzer, “Integrated Optical Logic Devices,” U.S. Army ARDEC
Sponsored EMP/Radiation Hardening Workshop, Dover, NJ, October 1982.
22. K.A. Ramsey, G. Valco, S.B. Bibyk, M.A. Mentzer, “Proton Implanted GaAs
Optical Waveguides,” Proc. SPIE 835, Integrated Optical Circuit Engineering V,
San Diego, CA, August 17-20, 1987.
23. M.A. Mentzer, D.H. Naghski, R.M. Megargel, D.E. Craley, T. Kambouroglos,
“Interconnects for VHSIC Packaging,” Proc. SPIE 835, Integrated Optical Circuit
Engineering V, San Diego, CA, August 17-20, 1987.
24. M.A. Mentzer, D.H. Naghski, and S.T. Peng, “Optical Logic Gate Design
Considerations,” Proc. SPIE 835, Integrated Optical Circuit Engineering V, San
Diego, CA, August 17-20, 1987.
25. D. E. Craley and M.A. Mentzer, “Optical Interconnects,” Proc. IGK Fiber Optic
Communications and Local Area Networks Conference (FOC/LAN ’87),
Anaheim, CA, October 1987.
26. M.A. Mentzer, “Fiber Sensors,” Proc. Investigators Meeting on Semiconductors,
Optoelectronic and Magnetic Optic Materials, Watertown Arsenal Materials
Technology Laboratory, Watertown, MA, January 1988.
27. M.A. Mentzer, “Optical Computing,” Proc. Investigators Meeting on
Semiconductors, Optoelectronic and Magnetic Optic Materials, Watertown
Arsenal Materials Technology Laboratory, Watertown, MA, January 1988.
28. R. G. Hunsperger and M.A. Mentzer, “Optical Control of Microwave Devices,”
Proc. SPIE, Integrated Optical Circuit Engineering VI, Boston, MA, September 7-
9, 1988.
29. M.A. Mentzer, “Analysis and Experimental Determination of Response,
Precision, Linearity, and Fade of Radiac pn Junction Neutron Dosimeters,”
Submitted to Fort Monmouth, January 1989.
30. M.A. Mentzer, G.C. Vezzoli, S.T. Peng, “Double-Y Mach Zehnder Interferometer
and Multiple Quantum Well Oscillator Optical Logic Gates Fabricated in
GaAlAs,” American Physical Society, Annual Meeting, March 1989.
31. M.A. Mentzer, W. Webb, L. Ezard, “Fabrication and Testing of a Fiber Optic
Magnetometer,” AFCEA Department of Defense Fiber Optics Conference 90,
March 20-23, 1990.
32. M.A. Mentzer, “Si Anode Inverter Tube Sensor,” white paper to Superconducting
Super Collider, BURLE publication, 1991.
33. M.A. Mentzer, D. Thoman, C. Tomasetti, “Proposed Optical Detector
Configuration for Scintillating Fiber Readout,” Proposed to CEBAF and SSC
Detector Evaluation Group, February 1992; in publication.
34. M.A. Mentzer, Business Administration Research Reference Guide, published by
Lebanon Valley College, December 1992. 826 pp.
35. M.A. Mentzer, ed., MBA Connections, Vol. 1, Fall 1993, published by the MBA
Program Office, Lebanon Valley College.
36. M.A. Mentzer, ed., MBA Connections, Vol. 2, Spring 1994, published by the
MBA Program Office, Lebanon Valley College.
37. M.A. Mentzer, “Reflecting on the Past, Planning for the Future,” MBA
Connections, Vol. 1, Fall 1993.
38. M.A. Mentzer, “The Future of MBA Programs, and the LVC Perspective,” MBA
Connections, Vol. 2, Spring 1994.
39. M.A. Mentzer, “How to Choose an MBA Program,” Biz Publication, November
40. M.A. Mentzer and R.C. McCune, “Resource Allocation Program-A Family
Business Video,” produced in cooperation with the J.W. Pepper Music Company,
November 1993.

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Interviews:  Electronics Magazine, Lancaster Newspapers, Lucent Technology Council, PA Musicians Hall of Fame, Small Times MEMS Magazine, Eastern Shore Post, Eastern Shore Radio

Scientific International Group, Inc.


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